Tuesday, December 18, 2007


It was astounding just being in the same room as these creations. Everywhere you looked, was some interactive adventure waiting to happen. Whether it was the floorFX, or the webcam game with the green screen, there was plenty of fun to be had!

But don't start thinking I'm only about fun. There was some serious work and technology standing behind each and every project. What was the technology they used to make these things? Trade secret. They naturally kept it under wraps. But, when you have such a good thing going, why give it all away? All in all, whether it was the interactive floors, or the keyboardless/mouseless computer-like interface, there was something for each and every one of us.

The almost hardware-less computer interface, made navigating on the screen seem effortless, and makes keyboards seem like a thing of the past, even though they were back at the lab waiting to be used again.

The floorsFX area allows the user to kick things around or wipe the "screen" clean from "debris." Some very simple graphics, but it could be easily full blown into something full-scale. Like a kind of virtual-reality animation kind of thing. Ok, that was the first thing that came into my head, but really, the possiblities are endless!

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